Visual Design A5: Type in Motion pt.2

Cory Zhao
3 min readApr 20, 2021

After putting together some ideas on contents and layouts for my project, I got some valuable feedback on how I should move forward this week. I realized that my storyboard didn’t include some important details like my font choices, transitions, and layout.

So this week, one of the first things I did was to make sure that I have a storyboard that’s detailed enough to serve as a reference when I move on to building the project on After Effects.

For the typefaces, I decided to use Montserrat for Valentina because I think Montserrat medium looks soft and rounded and it would pair well with Valentina’s innocent appearance in this clip. For Aja, I want to use a typeface that has sharp edges and gives off a cutthroat, quick, and bitter look. Since Figma doesn’t have a lot of serif font choices, I used PT Serif in replacement instead. I also gave another thought to my color choices and decided that I would stick to only 3 or 4 background colors for continuity and simplicity. I ended up not liking a lot of the colors I picked last week, so I went back to the video and decided to take colors from the clip itself.

In the video, Valentina was wearing a white garment, and her skin tone appears to be a deep warm-toned brown color, so I took two colors from each area and decided to use white for Valentina’s speech and a deep peach color for the background. Aja’s color couldn’t be more representative of her character in this clip. Easily, I picked a bright orange for her font and a dark purple from her skin tone for the background. To intensify Aja’s sarcasm, I thought about adding a transition and switch to a bright yellow background to emphasize the texts.

With these elements laid out, I moved on to working on AE, which was a challenge in itself. I knew I wouldn’t be able to completely finish the project just this week, so I focused on getting most of my texts on the screen and familiarize myself with the program as I go.

Thanks to YouTube, I was able to figure out how to move elements around and add linear interpolations to the movements to make them more natural. Next week, my work is going to be focused on detailing the texts, such as when they appear, disappear, and their positions, and adding more transitions and dynamic movements.

